What Are the Different Types of Maintenance Tasks?

Maintenance tasks are the actions or set of actions a maintenance technician must take to complete a work order. Preventive maintenance is the practice of taking precautionary measures or actions to prevent equipment failures before they occur. This typically involves routine inspections, upgrades, proper lubrication (where applicable), adjustments, and replacement of outdated equipment or parts. Routine maintenance is any maintenance task that is performed on a planned and ongoing basis to identify and prevent problems before they cause equipment failure.Routine maintenance is any maintenance task that is done at regular, time-based intervals to keep facilities running smoothly.

Corrective maintenance covers maintenance tasks that are done to identify, isolate, and repair a fault in order to restore equipment, machine, or system to an operational condition so that it can perform its intended function. It's important for technicians to have easy access to the maintenance checklist to ensure complete and consistent maintenance at all times.Reactive maintenance is usually used to respond to a tenant's request to repair items in their units, while preventive maintenance is used to regularly inspect and replace filters on essential assets such as an HVAC machine. It's important to schedule the next maintenance period in your calendar system if you don't rely on maintenance software to do it automatically. Set aside specific time each day for your team to work on items on the routine maintenance checklist, in addition to completing maintenance requests and other daily tasks.Knowing how often to perform routine maintenance is key in finding the perfect balance between additional costs and optimal savings associated with routine maintenance.

To achieve the preventive maintenance control system in a large multi-plant environment, technical specialists prepare manuals that list the specific maintenance tasks for each element of equipment in the operating plants.Preventive maintenance is commonly used to maintain the assets of a facility such as HVAC machines, while reactive maintenance is primarily used to keep areas of a facility in good operating condition such as painting walls. CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) software focuses on the maintenance tasks of an organization and the planning, measurement, and monitoring that accompanies these tasks.Preventive maintenance (PM) is the regular and routine maintenance of equipment and assets to keep them running and avoid any costly unplanned downtime due to unexpected equipment failure. A successful maintenance strategy requires planning and scheduling equipment maintenance before a problem occurs. Some facilities may end up spending more on routine preventive maintenance than they would have spent on reactive maintenance.Maintenance management for any type of asset needs to determine if a corrective, preventive, or predictive maintenance strategy is best suited for that particular product or asset.