What are Maintenance Tasks and How to Plan Them

Maintenance tasks are the actions or set of actions a maintenance technician must perform to complete a work order. Depending on the type of equipment that needs to be maintained, different maintenance tasks are assigned. Routine maintenance tasks are small and simple in nature and require only basic maintenance skills to perform well. They can be completed daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually.Companies that invest in routine maintenance can extend the life of their assets, reduce emergency maintenance, and keep their production lines or facilities running more consistently.

To plan when to perform different maintenance tasks, use the following information as a guide and add any tasks you may need. It is important to verify that predefined maintenance tasks that are scheduled to run on a daily basis are running correctly.Weekly scheduled maintenance tasks should also be verified. Review the maintenance plan to make sure that scheduled maintenance tasks are properly and efficiently scheduled according to the configured site configuration. As the Configuration Manager site and hierarchy perform the tasks that you schedule and configure, site components continuously add data to the Configuration Manager database.

As the amount of data increases, database performance and free storage space in the database decrease.You can set up site maintenance tasks to remove old data that you no longer need. Configuration Manager provides predefined maintenance tasks that you can use to maintain the status of your Configuration Manager database. By default, not all maintenance tasks are available at each site; several tasks are enabled while others are not, and all support a schedule that you can configure.Most maintenance tasks periodically remove stale data from the Configuration database. Reducing database size by eliminating unnecessary data improves database performance and integrity, increasing site efficiency and hierarchy.

Other tasks, such as Rebuilding Indexes, help maintain database efficiency. Other tasks, such as the Backup Site Server task, help prepare for disaster recovery.After you install a Configuration Manager site, review the available maintenance tasks and enable the tasks that your operations require. Review the default schedule for each task and, when necessary, configure the schedule to adjust the maintenance task to fit your hierarchy and environment. While the default schedule for each task should fit most environments, monitor the performance of your sites and databases and expect to adjust tasks to increase deployment efficiency.Plan to periodically review site and database performance and reconfigure maintenance tasks and their schedules to maintain that efficiency.

Each Configuration Manager site supports maintenance tasks that help maintain the operational efficiency of the site database. By default, multiple maintenance tasks are enabled at each site, and all tasks support separate programs. Maintenance tasks are configured individually for each site and are applied to that site's database.However, some tasks, such as Delete old discovery data, affect information that is available in all sites in a hierarchy. Only maintenance tasks that you can configure on a site are displayed in the Configuration Manager console.

For a complete list of maintenance tasks by site type, see Reference for Maintenance Tasks for Configuration Manager.Use the following procedure to help you configure common settings for maintenance tasks. Starting with version 1906, site server maintenance tasks can now be viewed, edited, and monitored from their own tab in the details view of a site server. You can continue to edit maintenance tasks by selecting Site Maintenance in the Configuration group.When you are finished configuring maintenance tasks, click OK to finish the procedure. To achieve the preventive maintenance control system in a large multi-plant environment, technical specialists prepare manuals that list specific maintenance tasks for each element of equipment in operating plants.

In addition, routine maintenance can be scheduled on a daily basis allowing companies to maximize use of their maintenance resources.The maintenance writer should analyze root cause of asset failure and explain how the maintenance task will work to restore asset to full operation. On Home tab in Configuration group choose Site Maintenance then choose desired maintenance task to configure. After writing down task it is recommended for maintenance planner take break then come back review work.Routine maintenance refers any type of maintenance task performed on planned ongoing basis identify prevent problems before they result in equipment failure. Proper maintenance planning scheduling has been proven increase lead time (amount time spent during shift physically performing maintenance work) from 35 65%.

First step writing effective maintenance task is identify maintenance problem will be resolved with task being performed.To achieve preventive maintenance control system, large multi-plant environment technical specialists prepare manuals list specific maintenance tasks each element equipment operating plants. While maintenance planning scheduling vital effective maintenance management, often most neglected aspect asset management.Learning how choose right MRO inventory provider is important for maintenance teams ensure maintenance operations run smoothly. Therefore routine maintenance can be performed personnel outside maintenance department, such machine operators.This blog post provides tips what include maintenance budget, how stay within budget what tools can be used help budget for maintenance. .
